Energy and Power Supply saving Services

Rome - Italy

Technical Activities
    Support in the new systems and installations tests
    Verification of the energy trasformation processes
    Specification and planning about systems and installations to have the best processes efficiency
    Instruction of the management rules to have the best processes efficiency
    Planning of the installations and systems to use recycled energy (solar, biogas, etc)
    Planning of the cogeneration systems (traditional and with full cells)



Feeding electrical worker quality. System of protection's planning and production. 

The Econerg addressed by a particular time attention to the problem of power quality (especially in respect of the transitional short interruptions), which involves a set wider range of processes, given the widespread adoption of systems automated and computerized control of processes. In this field Company has acquired considerable experience in this regard is the assessment of the extent and nature of the transient interruption short power supply on most systems, both in the field of plant operations and operating well complex acts to limit the negative effects, experience enriched by activities carried out within the framework of ENEA assignments.
Among the various systems to be proposed specifically for the reduction of negative effects of the above abnormalities, the Econerg has followed with special attention to the recent development of inertial systems and those of an innovative magnetic accumulation based on the use of superconducting materials.

The Econerg is available to companies interested the problem with its expertise on the subject, for carrying out inspections, measurements and technical and economic evaluations, as well as assistance the definition of feasibility studies and preliminary projects and executive of measures to reduce the vulnerability of the processes "sensitive" to negative effects of power supply abnormalities in species of short transitional ones.

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